Sunday, February 20, 2022


        There is a story, people said this story is the story of Abdullah bin Mubarak's father, much told in motivational books but does not specify who this human being is. Abdullah bin Mubarak is a very famous scholar in the Islamic world.

Motivational experts use this story in their motivational programs. Perhaps because they only want to take lessons from this story, they do not know the truth of this story. They don't care who this great human being is, whether is it true that a human being like this can exist.

I tell you this story according to my version. I also want to learn his lesson. This story is about a pomegranate orchard keeper belonging to a rich man. His name is Mubarak. One day the rich man came to the garden to feel pomegranates in the garden.

"Mubarak, please pick a sweet fruit, I want to eat it."

"Well done sir," Mubarak said, walking towards one tree.

He plucked several pomegranates, split a piece, and placed it on a plate. He put the plate in front of his master.

His master took some pomegranate seeds, put them in the palms of his hands, and ate them. His face is wrinkled.

"Mubarak, sour ......... Go get the others," the master said.

Faithfully Mubarak went to another tree and plucked its fruit. He split a pomegranate and placed it on a plate which he then placed in front of his master.

His master took some pomegranate seeds and ate them. His face once again contorted.

The master yelled, "Mubarak, don't understand, I told you to pick a sweet fruit, why it's given a sour one. Go get some more, this time I want a sweet one."

Mubarak moved to another point. Picking ripe fruit. Prepare it and hand it over to its master.

His master took some pomegranate seeds and ate them.

His master stood up and pointed his finger at Mubarak, "I appointed you as a worker to guard this garden, right?"

"That's right sir."

"Why don't you give me sweet fruit, three times you pluck, everything tastes sour, it's a waste of time I give you this job."

Mubarak was silent, bowing his head.

"Why shut up, answer!"

Raising his head, "Sir, forgive me. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, you can," the master replied. It seems that his master's anger has diminished.

"Do you remember your words to me when you appointed me to be your garden keeper?"

"Yes, I give the task of taking care of my garden so that these trees can continue to bear their fruit"

"Master only entrusted me to take care of the trees in your garden, but you did not permit for me to eat the fruits that are in your garden."

"What! ...... Have you never eaten the fruit in this garden?"

"No sir, ....... I'm afraid to eat food that's illegal for me."

His master kept hugging him, "You are a truly trustworthy employee, I never thought I'd meet an employee like you. Most of my previous employees were all used to eating fruit in my garden. I don't care if a little bit is eaten."

This story seems too ideal. There's no way there's such an employee. This man has an extraordinary trust. I also thought, could there be a human being as great as this.

This is a true story that I read today in a book called Ustazah Bicycle. The story of a married couple cycling from Kuala Lumpur to Saudi Arabia. When they were in India they met Tok Siak mosque named Shaukat Ali. He took them to his house for dinner. Curry dishes are taken from his sister's house, other food is prepared by his wife.

Watching them eat, Shaukat Ali told them to eat the food out. They were both hungry and thought the host might have eaten, so they ate to the full. When they stopped eating, there was only a little more curry.

Shaukat's wife took the surplus curry and prepared a plate containing capati. His wife put the plate in front of her husband. Shaukat Ali eats the remaining curry dishes with capati. After Shaukat finished eating, his wife called his children to eat. Finally, his wife eats leftover food. The family not eating yet. They put the guests first.

This is the true story of this century. This story has happened before among the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) so that it is enshrined in the Quran.

I quoted directly his hadith which became asbabun nuzul quranic verse regarding.

"Ya'qub bin Ibrahim bin Kathir................... Abu Hurayrah said, "Someone came to the Prophet and said, " O Messenger of Allah, I am having difficulties." He sent someone to his wives (to ask for their food), but it turned out that his wives had nothing. The Prophet said, "Whoever wants to entertain him tonight, may Allah bless him." then a man of Ansar stood, saying, "I, O Messenger of Allah." The man went to see his family, he said to his wife, "This is a guest of the Prophet (peace be upon him), do not keep the slightest food (serve all for him)." The wife said, "By Allah, I have nothing, there is only food for our children." The man said, "If the children ask for dinner, then sleep them. Then come here and turn off the lights. Tonight we let our stomachs hungry." Then the wife did it. The next day, the man went to the Prophet (saw), and said, "Indeed, Allah is amazed or laughs at what the fulan and the fulanah do." Allah said, "They put (Muhajirin) first over themselves, even though they also need it."

This story becomes asbabun nuzul surah al-Hashim verse 9. The companions told are Abu Talhah al-Ansari and his wife Um Sulaim.

This is the story of two different ages and places. Shaukat Ali's attitude is similar to that of Abu Thalhah. Prioritizing others. Humans like this can be educated actually. Islam educates them to be of integrity.

Back to Mubarak’s story, workers like this can be educated in fact. We can have such a worker. Most of these stories are from the Islamic world. Islam plays a role in shaping the identity of people.

Why today we do not find trustworthy workers up to this stage. While the courses run by the organization is to form the attitude of a trustworthy worker in the work. How many can be formed through these programs? Can this program give birth to workers like the story above?

Humans like this are born only in the Islamic world. Islam shapes their identity. Surprisingly, many do not believe that Islam can form workers with integrity. These are the people who claim to be Muslims. They hold on, Islam has nothing to do with the question of the world.

Even though we organize programs to form workers with integrity using the Islamic model, they still think that when it comes to Islam it is just religion. Although the religious talk we have arranged is related to the creation of workers of integrity, they still see it as a religious matter that has nothing to do with work.

They do not very much support religious programs in human resource management, because they still see it as a religious program. Until now the organization has been busy talking about integrity but has never managed to form employees with integrity.


Translated by Microsoft Translator and Grammarly App.